Do you want something with a bit more of a statement? This bouquet will have added blooms and greenery for more impact creating a full garden like look.
Pausing & Cancellations:
Have to pause your subscription due to being out of town or other unforeseen circumstances? Please reach out to us directly at least 5 business days before your next bouquet. We order flowers ahead of time and if it's not within this time frame you'll still be charged. You can always donate your bouquet to another friend, family member or business if you're not home, just contact us directly and we'll adjust the address for that delivery cycle. If you need to cancel for any reason, please contact us directly.
Delivery Areas:
Our subscription bouquets are available for delivery in the following towns: Montclair, Verona, Glen Ridge, Bloomfield, Nutley, Essex Fells, North Caldwell, West Caldwell, Roseland, Clifton, Cedar Grove, Little Falls, Totowa, Livingston, West Orange, Belleville.
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Price Options
A subscription for one bouquet per week.
$65.00every week until canceled
A subscription for one bouquet every two weeks.
$65.00every 2 weeks until canceled
A subscription for one bouquet per month.
$65.00every month until canceled
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